23-26 February 2017


For the festival to work we need the volunteers!
When you participate as a volunteer on the festival, you will of course get free entrance to the festival Friday and Saturday. There will also be a small catering with sandwiches, coffe etcetera on the festival that the volunteers can access. You work 8 hour total during the festival, or 10 hours before or after the actual festival.

To volunteer you have to fill in this form.

On Thursday the 23rd of February 2017 we have a meeting at UmeĆ„ Folkets Hus,  - it is very important to participate for all volunteers to prepare for the festival! The meeting starts at 5 p.m for group leeders and 6 p.m for ordinary volunteers.

For  information email volontar@umefolk.com

Groups for volunteers
We have divided the work of the volunteers in smaller groups with different orientation. Every group has one person responsible and in charge of you schedule and tasks. Below you see the different groups.

The decoration group
You decorate the stages of the festival and prepare for the festival area to look nice and inviting!

The stage hosts
You help the artist before/during/and after their concert. You also help the sound engineer if needed and might introduce the artist.

The marketing group
You market the festival with posters, informing in the city with flyers etcetera!

The group for public entrance
You are the first people our public is meeting, and you help our visitors with their tickets and things.

The festival office
You help to sit in the festival office to give information to our visitors, sell CD's for our artists.

The artist office
You help to inform artist when they arrive to the festival.

The group of transportation 
You help with picking up and leaving our artist at the airport etcetera, you drive them where they need to go!

The group for Workshops and courses
You help with introducing workshops or help to get set before masterclass or workshop.

The Backline group
You help with backline, instruments and stuff that needs to be transported to the festival or between stages.

The after-festival-party group
You help to prepare the lovely after party we traditionally have every Saturday night after the festival is over!

To volunteer you have to fill in this form.