23-26 February 2017
Foto: Johan Lingegård


  • Friday 01:00, Tonsalen

Fårfiolerna is Umeå’s student fiddlers band. 

They have no leader. Instead, they teach each other lively tunes that are great for dancing. The group has been on many journeys together, which has contributed to making them into a tight-knit bunch. Among other things, they always compete in the World Championships for Student Folk Big Bands, held annually in conjunction with the Linköping Folk Music Festival. In 2010 they won, and were crowned world champions. In 2013 they received the prize for the world’s best song. So, don’t miss Fårfiolerna’s dance gig!

Fabian Modig - key harp 

Oskar Olausson - guitar

Stefan Losjö - fiddle

Klara Johansson - clarinet

Raul Fernandez - saxophone

Ylva Holstad - fiddle

Johan Lingegård - fiddle

Elsa Reimerson - fiddle

Eva Maaherra Lövheim - fiddle

Liv Högfeldt - flute

Fanny Hansson - fiddle

Johanna Hultgren - fiddle